
Saturday 3 April 2021


In the recent Border dreams received on the 31st of March, 2021, two blonde men were in the dreams. 

In the first dream the guy looked like Jon Voight from Midnight Cowboy, in the second dream, the guy looked like Justin Hayward. Borders are about boundaries and the dreams were about protection and defence being a priority, the guys were defending yours truly and our borders. 

In dream interpretation it was also giving instructions to not force anything upon others. 

Do not be like those that are trying to force our countries to accept them, e.g. the borders of America and the UK. 

You can also apply that in your lives too. Some people refuse the truth, so what can we say about that biblically? Does it remind you of the tribe of Dan that were excluded due to what they did? 

It isn't just the "idolators" that received the "Notch", the "unbelievers" took the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs, this link mentions that the tribe of Dan led the northern tribes to "lose their ethnic identity". It proposes that is why they were excluded.

So don't take it personally if a person refuses the offer of help, because they could be from the tribe of Dan. When you are called by Spirit, the doors open for you. When your mission is divine, doors open for you. 

The power of love is stronger than pride. So for instance, a compilation of scientific evidence was offered to some and they refused it. Those whose love is stronger than their pride accepted it. 

Some people have been so convinced by the media narrative due to their own desires to travel.   
Those that took the notch instead of a natural alternative to protect themselves and their own bodies. 

Those of us that trust in the truth of Jesus would never take the jab that alters DNA. 

Nor would we accept a health passport. 

Has Jesus said, "You don't require a visa to fly into heaven".  

Teach your souls to fly was powerful indeed. 

That was a brilliant workshop that yours truly delivered, 

with divine help. A big thank you to Archangel Michael too. 

Profound teachings that spread across the planet. 

A lava of love beyond measure. 

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