
Thursday 1 April 2021


A London cockney is reporting from Israel where he now lives. David Katz interviewed by David at UNN. My view is that people have to stop calling it a "vaccine", it is "lethal injection", Israeli's are being used as guinea pigs in a Pfizer laboratory. After WW2, we said, "Never Again". Nuremberg Trials. Most people are not even aware that the injections are experimental Nanotechnology mRNA that alters your DNA. 

David Katz, shares that it has divided Israel, some families are telling their families that they can't go to celebrate Pesach with their families if they haven't had the injections. Jews are killing Jews in Israel and Israeli's are heartbroken that Israel is being used as the world's laboratory. 

Scripture is against the N.W.O and giving your consent to such piercings of your body.  Read Prophet Isaiah chapter 5, and 50 and then read 1 Timothy 6:10. 

The best website with up to date information about Israel is NAKIM they have analysed the Israel data on what has happened to people in Israel after the jabs. One pregnant woman died of Covid because she had contact with her husband who had received the jab. 

NAKIM say that based upon the Israeli stats, people under 65 have a 260% higher risk of dying from the injection than they have of catching Covid and dying of it. 65s and over have a 40% higher risk of dying from the injections than they have of catching Covid and dying from that. 

NAKIM also reported on the fact that after people received the injections Covid soared in Israel and in other countries. The injections also destroy the immune system and most doctors don't know anything about immunology. 

We know from scientists that these injections can cause PRION disease. The Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca died of CJD, in March, 2020. That is the human equivalent of "Mad cows disease". 

In March, 2014, the heavenly Father spoke to me of a "Sad, catalytic event, they will cry". 

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