
Sunday 18 April 2021


The first time that I was stung by a bee was when I was four years old whilst on holiday in Southend-on-Sea with my family.  At that time the bee stung my left hand when I tried to stroke it, it looked furry to a four year old when it sat on the palm of my hand. The next time, I was about ten years old and I still remember my dad sucking the sting out of my thigh. 

This morning has I was waking up I could hear a buzzing around my head and I put my left hand up to my head and then the inside of the middle finger of the left hand was truly stung by the large bee. The Queen Bee was found dead in my bed this evening. 

For ring wearers that middle finger is about power and responsibility. In Palmistry, the left hand is the previous life time, in the bible the left hand is power and glory. Psalm 118:12 mentions the bees. 

Are there any health benefits from being stung by a bee? Some studies say that there are, although the evidence on the power of a bee sting is not conclusive.

The bee was probably attracted to my bedroom due to the fragrance of the healing oils. 

Love is stronger than pride. Love overcomes "fear". 

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