
Monday 5 April 2021


Daily Expose UK has provided a great analysis on the most recent gov reports on adverse reactions and fatalities after nanotechnology mRNA was injected. 

This is from their website. 

"The total number of strokes to have occurred due to Pfizer jab as of the 21st March, 2021, stands at 156 with 12 of these sadly resulting in death. However, the total number of strokes to have occurred due to the Astra-Zeneca jab stands at 309 with 35 of these sadly resulting in death. 

That accounts to a 98% increase in the number of strokes to have occurred due to the Oxford Astra-Zeneca over the number of strokes to have occurred due to the Pfizer injection. And a 191.6% increase in the number of resultant deaths due to the Oxford jab against the Pfizer jab. If this was in line with statistical norm, and no cause for concern this should only account to around 6%. 

These numbers are incredibly concerning and we dread to think what we will see in the next report."

I have book marked this page for future reference.  It was also this website that shared the Freedom of Information on what happened to Scottish people in February. See this blogpost on the high fatality rate in Scotland.

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