
Tuesday 2 March 2021


British Christians from the Churches are telling people to get the jabs, have they even read the bible and what it says about piercing the skin? 

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money have wandered from the faith and pierce themselves with many griefs". 1 Timothy 6:10. 

GPs are being paid £25 after the second dose of the jabs given to each patient. That means that a surgery with 8,000 patients can earn £200,000 from jabbing people, that triples the salary of a doctor. How much money did Boris promise the Churches if they promote the nanotechnology mRNA? 

What does science and biology say? May 2006,  New Scientist, cuts in childhood mutate genetics and cause skin conditions and allergies. What do the stats about Astra-Zeneca say? Skin conditions and allergic reactions. Between the 3rd of February, and 19th of February, there was 205 fatalities due to the Astra-Zeneca jabs. UK Churches sending lambs to the slaughter and promoting people to become guinea pigs. It reminds me of the Holocaust.

What else do the stats reveal? People getting Vertigo, plus a lot more. If you have vertigo and have been having flu jabs then you know the reason why. All jabs impact upon the brain and no jab is 100% safe. 

What else does scripture say? "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD and do not mark your skin with tattoo's. I am the LORD". Leviticus 19:28. 

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