
Wednesday 24 March 2021


I highly recommend Dr James Meschino, it was due to his articles on his website on the enzyme CoQ10 that convinced yours truly that the enzyme CoQ10 is essential for yours truly. 


In this 59 minute video James shares what else can help the aging brain. In this video he speaks about "Brain Atrophy" and "Atrophy" was one of the projects that Jesus gave me to work on. 

In this video James shares a study carried out by Oxford University, England, with a group of 168 individuals, over 70 years old with mild cognitive impairment. 

The group were given folic acid - 800mcg, Vit B12, 500mcg and Vit B6 - 20mg/d. The group that were given that protocol reduced the brain atrophy by 30%, has seen on the MRI scans. No drugs or lifestyle change can do this. 

Niacin is also featured in the studies of Alzheimers in the animal studies. 

Folic acid is not stored in the body. My mother use to take Folic acid, James discusses why Folic acid is essential for elderly people. Elderly people hospitalised were found to be deficient in B12. I'm not surprised the food served up in hospitals doesn't give elderly people the nutrients that they require. 

I take BI for my eyes, the patients that had a BI deficiency were found to be nutritionally deficient in the brain. 

Choline, I cooked almond cookies last week, and made cauliflower cheese on Monday to have with roast beef, yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, kale, carrots and celery. 

There is a lot more in James video, do have a listen if you are interested in this subject matter. I agree with James that people have to change their dietary intake the older that they get. When the body is changing, you have to change with it to help it the best that you can. 

Also menus have to be tailored to the individual and their health conditions and susceptibilities. 

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