
Wednesday 3 March 2021

PJW Dream

I felt sleepy so went to lay down and curled up under the duvet. I received a phone call at 20.30 pm but I didn't get up to answer it. I eventually got up again at about 22.02. 

During sleep state I had another dream of a British Patriot, Paul Joseph Watson. 

I had arrived at his bachelor pad and it was beautiful overlooking the river. He was interviewing Boris Johnson and BJ was being jovial and candid in response to the questions that PJW was asking him. They were both very relaxed. 

I was hoping the interview would be finished quickly so that we could be alone to talk, but it went on and on for a long time.  When we were finally alone talking PJW was very affectionate, tactile and cuddly. When you meet him he is ever so kind, kindhearted. 

Then two young people that he knew arrived, a man and a woman, it looked like they were uninvited. 

So his attention was taken away again. While they were present and talking, I was admiring his lovely view of the river and his beautiful apartment, it was very spacious with very large windows towards the river and to the side of it. 

Then we all saw a huddle of people outside on our right, they were around a small vehicle that looked like a car/van, we saw a police officer and it looked like they were looking for an explosive device or a bomb. 

In dream interpretation to dream of a police officer is about security. To dream of a bomb or explosive device indicates a threat to your way of life which you can avert by judicious action. 

The discussion of politics in a dream is considered a sign of success providing it was with someone of the same sex e.g. two males in this case. If you dream of someone famous it indicates that you will get help from an unexpected source. 

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