
Sunday 28 March 2021


I've noticed today that GPs are being told that Pfizer and Moderna jabs are safe for pregnant and breast feeding women. The Daily Mail shares today that Boris Johnson plans to roll out the Moderna jab in the next few weeks to the under 50s.

Whereas we know from looking at the stats in America and Israel the Nanotechnology mRNA jabs are not safe or effective. Moderna's CEO admitted that the jabs alter DNA. 

12% of the population in Israel was injected with Pfizer, 51% of the population that died of Covid had received the jab. In December in the UK one in 25 that was hospitalised for Covid had already received the jab. 300 of the patients were hospitalised 14 days after their first dose. 

The sage group advising Boris is now saying "no vaccine is 100 per cent effective". The fact is that what they are injecting people with is not a vaccine. Dr Andrew Kaufman called it a "Medical Device". Some scientists are referring to it as a bio-weapon. These scientists know that it can caused Prion disease and that is fatal. The Chief Scientist of Astra-Zeneca died of CJD has reported in a Spanish newspaper.

If we look at the UK and the latest stats specifically for pregnant women, there were 23 miscarriages and 4 born premature after Pfizer jabs were given. There were five miscarriages from Astra-Zeneca and 1 still born. In the Astra-Zeneca trial the placebo group were given Meningitis jabs and the Brazilian volunteer died after he was given the jab.

The Moderna jab was halted in California after a mass of adverse reactions. In the Moderna trial, Modern's FDA report says six died after being jabbed with Moderna and seven in the placebo group died, so what did they inject that particular group with? Was that placebo group also given the Meningitis jab or were they given something else? Humanity would like to know. 

Johnson and Johnson is no better, 16 fatalities from 300 people that were jabbed as at the 26th of March, 2021, included in a recent video from Eagle another 2000+ fatalities in America from the other manufacturer's jabs. The American stats are taken from CDC Vaers although we  have proof that CDC been shaving the stats. We also know that less than 1% fatalities and adverse reactions get reported. 

Some people are calling it the jabs the "Mark of the Beast".  If we look at the Greek word for "Mark" used in the bible in that context it is a word that translates as "Notch" from the Greek word Charagma. 

Then if we look at the word "Notch", we find it has been given to engineering when there is indentation or a slit in material. Notch signalling pathway, a cell signalling system present in most multi-cellular organisms. 

Notch proteins, a family of transmembrane proteins. Notch software and Dr Fauci referred to it has software. There is also a Notch test that is otherwise known as a Charpy Impact Test. 

Don't be a guinea pig for big pharma, we know they are doing trials on human beings until 2022-2023. 

Pregnant mums if you require any further information, read this link and what happened to pregnant mums in Israel, so many now in critical care.

Don't put up with it, JOIN THE RESISTANCE and say NO JAB, NO CRIME. 

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