
Wednesday 17 March 2021


Every time we start to defeat one of the NANOTECHNOLOGY MRNA jabs they plan to bring in another companies jab. So would you be happy having the cells of moths in your body? Don't be lab rats or guinea pigs for the American pharmaceutical industry or the British-Swedish Oxford Astra-Zeneca.

The Biden administration are planning on spending £1.5BN on advertising directly to the consumers to take the gene technology.  That is a huge amount of money, Americans will get bombarded with advertising to brainwash them into taking the jab. 

In the UK, it is illegal to advertise prescribed medication directly to the consumer, so how is the British government getting away with it? Have you reported British advertising and leaflets from the NHS to the Advertising Standards Authority? I have. 

Why are they in such a rush to inject everyone? The doses don't last long and they have to be kept in a fridge. The bible warns people about "rushing into sin", it also warns about being pierced and not to cover the face. 

You usually find that people that recommend the jabs hold stocks and shares in them. Just like the journalist mentioned in that Science Mag write up. 

So what does scripture say about the moths? In the book of James there is a message for the "rich oppressors" and how they hoarded wealth in the last days. James 5:1-3. James mentioned how "the moths have eaten your clothes". 

"It is the Sovereign LORD that helps me. Who will condemn me? They will wear out like a garment the moths will eat them up". Isaiah 50:9. 

That is why Jesus mentioned the "moths", "But store for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal". Matthew 6:20. 

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