
Thursday 11 March 2021


In the UK, it is Mother's Day on Sunday the 14th. New Moon this weekend in creative Pisces. The 14th of March was my mother's birthday, so a special day this year. 

I bought pink and white roses and lilies for this weekend. The 13th of March is the "Day of Prediction", and the 14th is the "Day of Relativity".  Mercury is in my sun sign of Aquarius, same for my son. 

Donna Page shares the different aspects of this forthcoming New Moon, a great time for new beginnings and to start new phases of your life. Being adaptable to change and adapting to change, where are we going to land? What is your soul inspiring, is it compelling, is it a calling, where are you drawn to go and and when? Can you live up to your ideal or is your soul contented with your attainment? What and who is supporting you and your life? 

23 degrees of Pisces in the constellation of Pegasus. Pegasus is the horse mascot for our local para's. 

If you are a Judeo-Christian that knows your scripture, 
than you do not cover your face and you definitely do not take the jab. 
In the UK the resistance movement is growing at an incredible speed. 

News today,  ten countries have banned the jabs. Medics and Scientists have also demanded that authority to administer the jabs be removed by the European Medicines Agency. 

One of the issues with the jabs is that they can cause Prion Disease that is infectious and fatal. 

I spoke to a friend today and she said that she took the first dose 2-3 weeks ago, I've advised her not to take the second dose for obvious reasons. 

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