
Tuesday 9 March 2021


Trump could see the family drama coming has we all could prior to the marriage of Harry to Meghan. 

Some broadcasters and journalists are calling it a clash of cultures. With Trump being half Scottish he appears to have more respect for British culture than Harry and his wife. 

What I will say is that based upon population demographics the UK have more multi-racial relationships than America has. 

Even American Candace married a white Brit and defends our country and culture that Meghan had no desire to appreciate and integrate into. It was never part of Meghan's plan to live in the UK. Her entire life she had her eyes on Hollywood. Her dad, Thomas Markle worked in the film industry, she grew up with it. The dad that Meghan and Harry couldn't even be bothered to visit. No compassion for her dad, no honour for him either. What makes you think that she has compassion for any man? 

Our country of England is far too small for Meghan's desires and agenda. 

Over a million Brits turned off their televisions during the interview. ITV also report that 70% of the audience in the UK were between the age of 25-34.  

So what can we say to the "brainwashed Harry?" True happiness is found within, not in L.A. At some point in a person's life, people usually yearn for their roots. Meghan and her desires are the cause of all of the suffering and that was so potently portrayed in the interview. 

To even complain about not being taught the British anthem, well Harry and Meghan what were you doing 24/7 prior to the wedding, twiddling your thumbs? Or just planning your escape from England to celebrity land? Harry's original dream was to live in Africa, (where he has fond memories of his mother) Meghan was never going to allow that, we know who wears the pants in that relationship. 

The MSM in the UK, now recognise that the American Liberal Democrat, Meghan Markle is a "ruthless" political actress. She was photographed with Obama in the White House in 2016. 

Meghan a supporter of Joe Biden and Hilary Clinton. It's all politics to Meghan and that isn't allowed within the British monarchy. It is royal protocol not to get involved in politics. 

So a clash of cultures, anyone can become President of America, that doesn't apply to the Head of State in the UK. Our head of state isn't elected by the people, but they are supported by the people. Although I don't support Charles going to the black church to see the people getting jabbed with nanotechnology mRNA that will harm people of all colours. 

Obama's "race card" doesn't work in the UK. Our discerning Windrush generations and Patriots are ahead of the curve. Many of whom carved out very successful lives for themselves and their families in the UK. They know they are loved and no American activist can change that. It is white children that are the minority group in London now. Perhaps Meghan should've been taught about that. 

Lady Diana would be devastated and furious that Harry allowed a woman to come between him and his brother and between him and the British people. Harry is detested by many, and will never regain the respect from the people that he once held in his hands. Harry crushed it when he attacked his own country and people whilst sitting in a celebrity home in L.A. It is over Harry, game over! The British people are now demanding that Harry be stripped of all of his titles. 

Can Harry call himself a Christian? I don't think so, Harry unable to turn the other cheek and both Harry and Meghan have a love of money. I suggest that Harry reads 1 Timothy 6:10. Harry and his wife could have lived a life anonymously and privately, they chose not too. They chose Netflix, Spotify and Disney for money. Harry gave the feeble excuse of requiring the money to pay for his families security. He could have chosen a private location where security could have been minimal. 

He didn't do that so security is not the real issue. If he really cared about security for his family, he should've stayed in England instead of running away from his duty and responsibilities to the nation that paid for him and his wife's wedding. They both took so much love for granted, and I warned people not to take love for granted ahead of the Sussex fiasco. Oprah is welcome to them, she can earn lots on their backs. Apparently, Oprah was paid £9M for the interview. 

Lotus Eaters give us a summary of the Crown Duty -v- Celebrity. 


This is an excellent tweet from @Gray Connolly. 

"As the Queen would no doubt recall, in WW2, it was the Americans who pressed the British for racially segregated messes and bars - and the British who said no, as all troops wear the King's uniform". 

There was a dramatic exit from Piers Morgan yesterday, and I agree with Piers Morgan in this specific case. Morgan is fiercely loyal to the Queen of England, most of the MSM in the UK are loyal due to the revenue that the monarchy brings into publishing. 

Has far as Meghan's claimed thoughts of 'suicide', it does make one wonder if she is mentally fit enough to be a mother to Archie and the little girl that is on her way. Originally, Meghan presented herself has an empowered woman, she can't have it both ways, she either attained empowerment or she didn't. 


Alex and Alexander review it. Alex says that Harry is "screwed, isolated from family and friends". 

Meghan stripped Harry of everything, everything that he loved was stripped away from him. The discerning British people knew prior to the marriage that it would end in tears. IMHV, it is far more than a clash of cultures. Meghan was definitely out of her league amongst the British monarchy. At the end of the day, you can't buy class. You either have it or you don't. There was nothing classy about the Oprah interview and Alex was correct, they're in business with Oprah. 

Harry and his selective memory, Daily Mail calls out CBS and Oprah to tell the truth with a dossier of reality. 

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