
Sunday 21 March 2021

LIBRA FULL MOON 28th March 2021

Libra Full Moon on the 28th of March, 2021. That was my parents wedding anniversary and it is the "Day of Innocence". 

Donna Page shares with us about the energies of this full moon. Mars is in Gemini and Mars likes action, Gemini likes communications. 

My moon sign is in Gemini, I have Jupiter in Gemini, although Jupiter is in Aquarius at this time. 

I have Libra in Neptune. Many people are innocent of what humanity is facing, most haven't done their research on the Nanotechnology mRNA. 

With Libra ruled by Venus, Libra likes peace, beauty and harmony, they also like balance and justice. 

I've heard that Hancock and the Sage scientific advisor team in England will be receiving court papers. 

So let's see what happens in the next week now that we are in the new astrological year. 

In my most recent dream I was helping some friends with the Cinnamon healing oil and ants don't like Cinnamon. My most recent purchase was the Cinnamon oil and Neem oil, the pests that bother our in-door and out-door plants don't like Neem oil. 

Hence, I see this full moon has one of defence, defending the innocent with our communications, defending our homes and the environment in which we live. Defending our people and countries, legally, scientifically and peacefully. Defending our immune systems, and our bodies from the mRNA jabs and those that promote them. Defending the babies in the womb, defending pregnant mothers. 

Nanotechnology mRNA can cause PRION disease, it is fatal. They have to stop jabbing people with the biological weapon.

ZION defends. 

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