
Saturday 6 March 2021


Neil McCoy-Ward talks to American Gerald Celente, they're discussing their views on the current challenges facing the financial world. For more information on Gerald Celente you can find it on  

He has been watching the trends for 44 years. Gerald says "politicians are cowards", I think Trump agrees with him. Biden hasn't worked one day in his life. 

Celente says he's surprised at how low gold went. I'm not, I was advising people not to invest in gold, gold is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Plus we know that the stock markets are rigged, just like they rigged the 2020 election to get Biden in. Then they had the audacity to admit what they had done in TIME Magazine, totally in people's faces. 

The best investment is land because at least you can grow your own food on it. Although bear in mind it takes at least five years to become completely self-sufficient. Of course, there is the option of buying an existing farm if you can afford it. 

Neil says he feels blessed that he left the UK, when he did. The discussion between Neil and Gerald is an hour and 7 mins, although you might find it interesting. Especially. if you are making plans for your future. In America, oil prices are soaring. In the UK, taxes are increasing. Salaries haven't increased in real terms in the UK since the 80s/90s recession. 

In oriental countries they wear masks due to the environmental pollution. Not to protect themselves from respiratory hazards. We know from 1919, that masks never stopped the pandemic. There is even a scientific peer-reviewed paper that states that surgical masks were never made to protect people from respiratory hazards. 

China's Yuan has gone up 6%, Gerald says that China is going to concentrate on their own country being self-sufficient trade wise and become less dependent on export to other countries. I say, China doesn't really have a choice in the matter has many countries have turned against China. Has mentioned previously the last thing that China should've done is takeover Tibet, that's when spiritual people were arising. 

Neil says that members of the IMF have diplomatic immunity. 

Gerard, "by their deeds you shall know them." 

I find it interesting that in scripture money and being pierced is found in the same verse and at this point they're trying to pierce everyone with the mRNA nanotechnology jabs. 

I don't agree with everything that Gerard says about the UK. We know that some of the English aristocrats and their estates were saved by marrying rich American women. The American women married into aristocracy, the men saved their historical inheritance. 

This week I was looking at a huge Victorian estate, it was built on the backs of miners in Wales. Other historic estates were built on the backs of women and children during the industrial revolution. 

What I can agree with him on is that when people are united the power is with the people against the 1%. Has my dad used to sing, you shall never walk alone and born free. Fight to defend your freedom from those that are doing their utmost to take your freedoms from you. 

I like to listen to different voices and what other people have to say, that is why I am sharing this discussion. I agree you have to be fit, in peak fitness spiritually, emotionally, and physically to take it on.

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