
Thursday 4 March 2021


David Rose has been a journalist for the MSM for 40 years. He's not on a staff contract with the Daily Mail, he signs an annual contract. This journalist claims that British journalists are being "bullied". 

In this video he is being interviewed by broadcaster Anna Brees, Anna became an Independent reporter after leaving the BBC some years ago. 

2nd March, 2021. During this interview David shares how the government is controlling the media, its journalists, and the fact that it has changed since he first became a journalist. How difficult it is now to get any direct responses to questions asked by the media. 

He claims, "Denial of information", "Refusal to respond to questions". "Bullying" of journalists. 

26 mins  

During the interview Anna mentions Bit Chute. 

It was W.H.O. that declared that all jabs could be used on anyone. Yet, we have a leaked video of Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, the Chief Scientist of W.H.O admitting in a private meeting that vaccines kill people and they do not know why.

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