
Tuesday 2 March 2021


From the 3rd of February, 2021 until the 19th of February, 2021. 

205 Fatalities, 114,625 adverse reactions to the jab from 31,427 adverse reports. It is absolutely shocking that people are allowing themselves to be guinea pigs for the nanotechology mRNA jabs. 

These are government stats. Bear in mind that less than 1% of adverse reactions get reported.

Dr. Professor Dolores Cahill warned that the jabs "will make people sick". Have a look at her bio.;

The above stats are just for the Astra-Zeneca jabs, there is a lot more reactions to the Pfizer jabs.

Astra-Zeneca jabs were banned in Germany, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy for the 65s and over due to the high fatality rate in Norway. Yet, the MSM won't allow the truth to be commented on their websites in response to their continued promotion of the jabs. 

The EU is getting ready for the passport scheme.

While British people are petitioning the British government against it. Today the petition has 241,662 signatures.

One of the recent blogposts on this blog was about the Coroners being threatened by the BMA in England. Take a look at this Tweet from Chris Thirkill, Phd. 

PULSE TODAY report that GPs are being told there is no flu this season. They're also jabbing 2-3 year olds with flu jabs, it weaken the toddlers immune systems.

Churches in the UK are telling people to get the jabs. So what does the bible say about that? 

"For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money have wondered from the faith and pierce themselves with many griefs". 1 Timothy 6:10. 

GPs are being paid £25 after the second dose of the jabs given to each patient. That means that a surgery with 8,000 patients can earn £200,000 from jabbing people, that triples the salary of a doctor. 

What does science and biology say? May 2006,  New Scientist, cuts in childhood mutate genetics and cause skin conditions and allergies. What do the stats about Astra-Zeneca say? Skin conditions and allergic reactions. What else do the stats reveal? People getting Vertigo, plus a lot more. If you have vertigo and have been having flu jabs then you know the reason why. 

What else does scripture say? "Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on yourselves. I am the LORD and do not mark your skin with tattoo's. I am the LORD". Leviticus 19:28. 

UPDATE 4th March, 2021. 

Fatalities have increased to 244 on the latest update from the link.

UPDATE 11th March, 2021. 

Denmark, Norway and Iceland join Italy, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland, stop administering Astra-Zeneca. In Denmark it was due to it causing blood clots. In Norway due to the high fatality rate.

Australian Health Minister admitted to hospital 48 hours after taking Astra-Zeneca jab. 

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