
Thursday 4 February 2021


There was a large Spirit Hare standing on its hind legs in my bedroom this evening whilst I was trying to go to sleep. I wondered if George was manifesting has a rabbit because he was born in that year. The hare that manifested was has tall has a man. 

                                                               Pic Courtesy of Wikipedia 

In spiritual symbology the hare is a lunar symbol and it represents rebirth, rejuvenation, resurrection and intuition. In Buddhist symbology the hare can symbolise the sacrifice of the self, because when Buddha was hungry, the hare offered itself and jumped into the fire. In one of the dreams of George his beard was on fire. 

It is considered to be auspicious to see a hare in your life. In Christian symbology, when the hare is at the feet of the Virgin Mary, it depicts triumph over lust. The defencelessness of the hare symbolises those that put their trust in Christ. Cupids are often portrayed with hares and it will soon be Valentines Day. 

In Egyptian symbology, the dawn, the beginning, the opening, the uprising, and it was an emblem of Thoth, also associated with the moon. George and Diana were both ruled by the moon. 

The Easter Hare symbolises new life.  In Scandinavian symbology, Freya is attended by hares. 

The very best book written on spiritual symbolism in different cultures was written by J.C. Cooper, it is an excellent text book and it is illustrated. 

When a real rabbit is given the choice of fields, it always chooses to eat from the organic field. I didn't eat rabbit during my life I didn't like the taste of it. I don't think that my mother liked to eat it either. 

George loved the English countryside. You could view it in spiritual terms too, rabbit people are much more interested in organic spiritual growth. They're very sensitive and know when it is important to come close, just to let you know that you are loved. When your defences are down it is easier for Spirit to come close to you. Hence, bedtime is a powerful time for Spirit to appear and convey the messages. 

Many years ago I was shown four directions and in the north was a rabbit. That was prior to George knowingly coming into my life. His first word to me was WHAM, wham, he did manifest strongly in my life after that. It was at least a year before the reason for his appearance was shown to me. I hope that he is happy with the way I expressed and shared his messages. He clearly wished to give evidence that there is life after death to his loved ones, he lives in the realm of Spirit and shares our lives. 

George loved playing cupid, getting people together, he loves to love, just like Jesus loves to love. 

The message received while the hare was in my bedroom was MAKESHIFT.

Venus planet of love moved into Aquarius on the 1st of February and this transit lasts until the 25th of February, 2021. Then on the 25th Purim Jewish holiday begins. 


While politicians tell my people that food shopping is a luxury, know this that food is not a luxury, food is an essential of life and the rabbit is always fed. Keep the love flowing, politicians can't defeat the power of the love beyond measure, love that is divine.  Let's make it a rock star year, a trail blazing year, divine love of mine, our love goes beyond endurance. A year that the politicians will never ever forget! 

So 4th of February it is, just tried to have a bath and turn the heating on. It would have to be Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius too, so now waiting for the H&V engineers to come out to fix the boiler. At least I can have an electric shower, boil a kettle and use the cooker. It is always best to have both gas and electric. 

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