
Wednesday 24 February 2021


I had two dreams this morning and the second of the two dreams was clear. A young neighbour was in the dream with some friends. A female police officer was in our face and was stopping us from going somewhere. We were then asked to follow her into a restaurant type place. Then the female police officer went off to get a plant. 

My intuition was telling me that the plant had a device inside it to spy on people and their conversations. So I said to the people that I was with, "let's go", we got up and left that place. 

In dream interpretation to dream of police is a symbol of security in your life and it is usually a dream of contrary. It indicates that you will get help with a current problem. 

This week security is in the news. In America the security of the Capitol building is being discussed and the general's report on the security concluded that the police were complicit.

In the UK, security is on the agenda and Boris and his cronies are discussing vax passports on people's mobile phones. More data control of the population. 

We do have a petition in the UK against these passports, and the amount of people that have signed the petition is up to 184,000 signatures. You might like to sign the petition if you care about freedom, your privacy and human rights. We only required 10,000 signatures for a parliamentary debate.

Also this week, while Boris was talking to school children he admitted that he is "guilty". He certainly is "guilty" for "crimes against humanity". So why hasn't Boris been sentenced for his Covid contracts that were found to be "unlawful".  Why isn't Boris in prison? It appears that there is one law for the people and a different law for the politicians. That must be rectified if there is to ever be any trust in any government ever again. 

In the dream I said, "Let's Go", has such, the police officer could not hold us by law. She could not make us stay at the venue so that our privacy could be impacted upon. Privacy laws exist but most people don't know the law or their human rights. 

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