
Wednesday 10 February 2021


The BBC report today "An NHS trust is to use "gender inclusive language" for its maternity services, including terms such as "chestfeeding" and "birthing parent". Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals Trust is thought to be first in the UK to adopt the language in it's internal communications meetings". 

So we don't have breasts anymore ladies we only have chests. Outrageous. 

                                                                KEY OF LIFE 

What does the bible say? "As a loving hind and a graceful doe, Let her breasts satisfy you at all times. Be exhilarated always with her love". Proverb 5:19  

UPDATE 11th February, 2021. 

I was dreaming early this morning and internet friends were in the dream and we were all talking. The word that I remember is TAVISTOCK. Then today, this Christian Concern video has been uploaded and it mentions the TAVISTOCK clinic in London. 

One of the issues is children being socially engineered in schools, children are being indoctrinated and that is bound to have an outcome of an increase of "confused" children about their gender and identity. 

Education and academia are prosecuting children to a life of "confusion", their own growth and development before they are old enough to comprehend the decisions being taken. Decisions that impact upon their emotional, mental and physical health. I've been saying for decades that children must be taught anatomy. I do declare that anyone that has silicone breasts are dummies. God created us women with real breasts for his purpose. The delivers of children.

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