
Tuesday 2 February 2021

mRNA Death Injections February

In January, 2021 deaths from mRNA and adverse reactions was featured in this blogpost.

I promised to give our readers a monthly update, has and when the news comes in. This is our February blogpost. 

53 people have died in Gibraltar after being injected with the gene technology. Local people are calling it a massacre.

In an American Nursing Home the elderly are dropping like flies after being given the mRNA. 14 to date in one of the care homes in ten days where none of them died of Covid previously.

In the UK, 24 residents dead in 3 weeks as one third of UK Nursing Home residents die after receiving mRNA.

A friend phoned last week to share that a former sister-in law had died after being given mRNA jab. I was also told of another case in America in our community. 

Has written previously German lawyers are bringing a class action lawsuit against W.H.O. Professor Delores Cahill is also helping families to bring "Medical Malpractice" lawsuits against doctors that wrote Covid on death certificates when the families know that their relatives did not die of Covid. 

Politicians should be brought to trial for "crimes against humanity". It is not just the immediate harm that the jabs do it is the long time harm to the bodies that are injected. When I see people lining up to get jabbed it reminds me of the holocaust, lambs to the slaughter. During the holocaust people were experimented upon by the doctors and nurses. 

In the UK, GPs are being paid £25 after the second dose given to each patient. Each patient has to be given both doses otherwise they don't get paid. You could consider that to be a financial "bribe". The article was featured in The Pulse medical magazine delivered free to GPs and the BMA was cited in the article. 

The NHS is not in crisis video from Dr Vernon Coleman has been silenced by YT. Big tech censorship of the truth. I went to A&E last week, there were ten people in A&E and it took 20 minutes for a neighbour to go in and out. (It used to take four hours waiting to be seen). The rest of the hospital was in complete darkness, one ambulance outside and two police cars. On his second visit last week, in the day time there were two people in A&E. 

In the UK, we only have a third of the beds that we had in the late 80s with an explosion of population since due to mass immigration. So are you surprised that we have so few beds in our ICU units and wards? The last time I was given an update we only had 138,000 beds in the whole of the UK. Probably another reason why Boris took over the private medical sector. 

The testimony of warning about mRNA was given in advance. However, big tech keep on removing YT videos and Tweets about it. Don't let big pharmaceutical companies experiment on you. 

"The words of the godly saves lives", Proverbs 12. 

UPDATE 3rd February. 2021. 

Switzerland joins France, Germany and Sweden and refuses the Oxford Astra-Zeneca jab for the over 65 and over. But Boris Johnson is still jabbing them. My view is that everyone should refuse the new gene technology injections.  Put the integrity of your bodies first. I was on an Independent newspaper live stream today with Boris Johnson talking to MPs, and 99% of the people on the live stream were against the injections.

Boris has put Spain on the red alert list today. 


UPDATE 6th February, 2021. 

In Spain at least 7 people have died after being given the Pfizer injection in a nursing home and all 78 residents contracted Covid 19 after being injected. So did the 12 health care workers that work there.

You have to remember that most elderly people had flu jabs every year and in the Pentagon study shared on a previous link, they found that people that had received flu jabs had 36% higher risk to getting Covid. So they then give the elderly Covid in their mRNA injections. That is "Medical Malpractice". 

More deaths after elderly received their injections in Spain, Guernsey, Ireland and England. 

8th February, 2021. 70 year old in NYC died 25 minutes after being jabbed.

I was listening to Dr Sherri Tenpenny today and she said that there has been over 30,000 adverse incidents in America. She can be found providing updates on her Twitter feed.

10th February, 2021. A European database has now registered 41,000 adverse reactions to a Pfizer jab, females were impacted the most with 15,000 very serious cases. Ned Nikolov Phd asks would you take it if you knew it could ruin your health?

2nd of February, I received a phone call from my local surgery asking me to make an appointment for the mRNA jab, I replied, NO!. I was then asked why not, because they have to ask.  I'm sure you know what I told the surgery secretary. She replied, "I didn't know any of that". I replied that is because doctors that are standing against the new gene technology are being silenced, and the media and big tech are all colluding together to stop the truth getting to the general public. 

Yesterday, 11th of February, I received another phone call from the surgery. Surgeries are "cold calling", I cited the scientific facts and stats again. I was told this is not for Covid, it is for the flu jab. I then said, NO again. Then gave my reasons why and cited the Pentagon study (featured in the January blogpost) about flu jabs increasing the risk of covid by 36%. The woman then said, "It is your choice". I replied, "Yes it is, my body, my health, the integrity of the health of my body". 

12th of February, sharing this. It looks like Israeli's are killing the Jewish people. The Palestinians haven't been vaccinated. Cases in Palestine dropped by 70% when Israeli's began vaccinating. Cases in Israel have tripled, and deaths have quadrupled.

For more on Israel see this video, the youngest person was only 25 years old.

CNA Nursing Home Whistleblower: Seniors are dying like flies after being injected with mRNA. 

47 Mins

Dr Lee Merritt, MD on mRNA "Vaccines" as Militarised Injections. 

8 mins 

78 year old woman California. 

American CDC VAERS Increases death data by 79%. Stats explained in this video from Jim Crenshaw.

Sara Stickles: 28 year old health care worker died in Winconsin after 2nd dose of Pfizer. She died within days of being jabbed.  It is the same as the case of the doctor in Florida, a stroke caused by the nanotechnology mRNA. Another tragedy.

17th February, 2021. 

I received a letter and leaflet today from the NHS asking me to take the jab. 17th February, 2021. The NHS confirms what I have been saying about the jabs, "no vaccine is completely safe". However, when the leaflet mentions side effects it doesn't mention "deaths, bell palsy etc". Tell my people the truth! 

Project Veritas features Zuckerberg telling his staff to be cautious about taking the jab at the same time has banning people on Facebook when they try to share the truth about the nanotechnology mRNA jabs. James O'Keefe says that Zuckerberg "violates his own policies". I agree with him. 

Bear in mind that less than 1% of adverse reactions get reported. On the 13th of February a report was uploaded taken from CDC Vaer official stats and there had been 2947 American fatalities in 7 days from the Pfizer jab. One of the fatalities was a healthy one year old baby, passed over 24 hours after receiving the jab. Has far as I am aware, Pfizer have only just started doing trials on children. Maybe the parents volunteered their children for the trials. 

This was uploaded to bitchute today. 


42.649 adverse reactions, 90 fatalities. Total reports 11,478. The reason that the AR's are much higher than the reports is due to people having multiple adverse reactions. 

Sweden 55 fatalities after jabbed with Pfizer/Moderna.

Italy, 4 fatalities reported after Pfizer jab. Feb 6, young and healthy Italian Healthcare Workers. 

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