
Wednesday 17 February 2021


The 17th of February has been a difficult day for opposing views, it is (Saturn square Uranus ) especially if you are an Aquarian that doesn't like any restrictions on speech and sharing. Freedom being the key word for Aquarians. 

Parting company with much loved friends that you have shared some of your life with, can be sad. I've noticed that it is the Aries women and fire signs that I am clashing with. Has we know Aries are the baby of the zodiac and with them it is all about "I want", root and sacral chakra. 

However, it is their choice if they refuse to pay attention to what is happening to humanity at this time and those that have done their utmost to deliver the testimony of warning has specified by Prophet Isaiah. 

Especially when the parting of the ways is due to opposing views about the nanotechnology mRNA jabs that are extremely dangerous to humanity. 

If you haven't already signed the petition to stop the people being given passports if they take the jab, please sign the petition if you live in the UK.

When I first saw people lining up to get the jabs, I immediately thought of the holocaust and how the people thought they were going to be safe, instead they were led to their slaughter. For years I asked people to please pay attention in pure intention, and today I found a verse that says just that in the book of Hebrews. 

"We must pay the most careful attention, therefore, to what we have heard, so that we do not drift away. For since the message spoken through angels was binding and every violation and disobedience received its just punishment, how shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those that heard him". Hebrews 2:1-3.

Just a few more days and then Mercury turns direct in Aquarius on the 20th so that should improve the communication aspects of our lives. 

On the 25th February, Venus that rules Libra will be moving out of Aquarius and moving into Pisces. 

Air signs are great thinkers, very communicative, especially in love and relationships. With Venus in Pisces communications will tend to become a lot more sensitive, compassionate and creative.  Pisces can also be very musical. Hence we can anticipate that we will hear a lot more from the rock stars, musicians, singers and DJ's in this transit. I have a new young neighbour that is a Pisces, 11 months old. He's doing his utmost to walk and talk and he's at the phase where he keeps on imitating us. 

When Venus is in Pisces is also a great time for creative pursuits like writing and painting. Pouring the love into your artistic hobbies and professions. Great for creativity and designing new websites and platforms. 

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