
Monday 15 February 2021


Barrister, Francis Hoar responded to a tweet from Simon Clarke MP. "Given that you consider yourself qualified to opine on the lawfulness of leaving the country, you'll be able to tell us which part of the Public Health Act gives the govm't power to impose secondary legislation banning anyone from leaving the country. Or will you @SimonClarkeMP?" 

Simon Clarke MP had written on Twitter the following statement. 

"Bottom line on holiday gate: travel abroad this year is unlikely. Holidays within the UK. *are* likely by the summer, but the Government can't make a hard and fast statement to this effect at this stage. if you book (as I have), you do so at your own risk".

The petition on the gov website for a parliamentary debate on not rolling out vax passports is now over 139, 283 signatures. I signed it today. You might like to sign it too. Only people living in the UK can sign the petition.

1. The "nanotechnology death cult mRNA jab" do not stop people from getting any virus, but it can cause you to have a very serious health condition that can cause you to go to an early death. A doctor can triple his salary if he gives both doses to his patients. Financial incentives in this regard can be viewed as 'financial bribes and corruption of the medical profession'. 

2. Death rates and adverse reactions to the jabs has been soaring in America and Europe. 

3. Pfizer has been banned in Russia. Astra-Zeneca has been banned in South Africa completely. Germany, France, Sweden and Switzerland has banned Oxford Astra-Zeneca for those of 65 and over. 

4. Wearing masks don't protect you from any respiratory hazards. 

5. Flu jabs are no better, the Pentagon study found that people that have had flu jabs increase their risk to catching a virus by 36%. Have there also been adverse reactions and deaths in response to flu jabs? Yes. None of the injections are 100% safe, all injections impact upon the brain.

Remember that it is your body, your health that is at stake. It is your responsibility to make sure that you know what all of the dangers are for you and your family. I didn't give my son flu jabs either when he was growing up. No way would I allow his body to be contaminated by big pharma. 

Her Majesty's government must be held accountable by Queens Counsel for "Crimes Against Humanity" at the earliest opportunity. Interim government to stand in until such time that our country is back to work and a new election can be held. Suicide rates have soared with an increase of 200% at a time when we already had the highest male suicides in the history of our nation prior to the lockdown. 

British globalists are involved in the depopulation agenda,working alongside the MSM, and big tech. It is time for class action lawsuits and for justice to defend our people and nation. 

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