
Sunday 21 February 2021


 On the 23rd of January, 2021, Jesus spoke of "Hygeia", and Hygeia is included in the Hippocratic Oath.


Medics take the Hippocratic Oath to do no harm. Yet, we know that serious harm is being done to the human population. Usually, not because of what they take out of the body, the harm is done by what they put into the body has far as pharmaceuticals and jabs are concerned. Always remember in the law in the UK no vax can be forced upon you, no operation can be forced upon you, they have to ask for your consent. 

Be careful who you trust, make sure that you read their paperwork. I was once admitted to hospital in London for a cauterisation following extensive laser treatment for 18 months. When I was admitted to hospital,  I read the paperwork and the paperwork was not for cauterisation but for an operation to cut my cervix. I then refused to sign the paperwork and then they sent me home. 

My laser surgeon had patiently given me laser treatment so that I didn't have to be cut. In those days there were only six laser machines in the UK and it was pioneering work. 

The medics that stand up to what big pharma does are often silenced and some know that they get removed from social media because they are sharing the truth. 

It is important to know that advertising big pharma prescribed-only medications is "illegal" in every country but America. 

In the UK you can make a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority in regard to the recent advertising of the nanotechnology mRNA jabs being aired on British television and social media. 

NHS England is breaking the law, the High Court in London, also found that Boris had broken the law with his Covid contracts. Boris should resign and be sentenced. How can we have a PM that is constantly breaking the law of the land? Yet, ask the rest of the population to comply and consent to it?

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