
Monday 1 February 2021


Prior to the lockdown I was visiting a massage therapist that is trained in lymphatic drainage. I can't wear a mask, so I had to cease my regular treatments for the time being. I'm continuing to do my stretching exercises for my lymphatic system and muscles. 

Science has proven that stretching is far more successful for the health of the body than walking. However, remember that the brain requires three times the amount of oxygen than the rest of the body. 

You can supplement to put more oxygen into the brain and cells, there are also some foods that oxygenate. I like inversion therapy too, it is quick and easy to get more oxygen to the brain. 

In November 2020, I bought a little massager from a food store for extra massage while our country is in lockdown. I was so pleased with it that I bought one for friends and family for Christmas. Some people don't like physical touch so the little massager was ideal to help people to help themselves. Other people cannot access physical touch with a professional so ideal for those people too. 

These videos are about dry brushing your bodies to assist with the lymphatic drainage. One of the most alarming aspects of the mRNA gene injections is that during the trial 64 out of 170 people had lymph node repercussions. To an holistic health and healing consultant like myself that is very concerning indeed. American Biologist, Pamela Acker shared about the lymph node reactions. 

One of the issues is that most people have no awareness of the different systems in the body, and about their own anatomy. In the 90s, I was recommending that it is imperative for children in school to be taught about their own anatomy. 

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