
Tuesday 23 February 2021

Dr. Aryeh Avi -v- Israel Jabs

An Israeli court have removed the medical licence from an Israeli doctor, Dr Aryeh Avi, due to his anti-vax stance. Outrageous, Freedom of Speech is an International Human Right, Israel.

The article mentions the doctors FB page, if you find any video's of his please share. 

When EL AL flight crews refused to be jabbed, they were discriminated against by being sacked from their jobs. One-third of American military have refused the jabs and that aligns with bible prophecy that those that don't take the jab will be preserved by the LORD. 44% of health care workers in the UK have refused the jabs, 50% of the people in Manchester, England didn't turn up for their jab appointments. 

I told my GP surgery no to the jab, and no to the flu jab too. Even the flu jabs weaken the immune system of the body and make you 36% more susceptible to any virus. 

Seriously, guys and gals, what they're putting into people's bodies are not vaccinations has you would think of them. It is a totally different technology, it is nanotechnology mRNA gene jabs. All jabs impact upon the brain that is why there has been so many strokes after people were jabbed. In Israel the youngest that died was only 25 years old. In America the youngest was a one year old, in South Korea it was a 17 year old. The older the people are, the higher the fatalities. 

Have a listen to Dr David Martin and how "illegal" the jabs are. There are going to be major court cases, Dr Martin says that some court cases have already begun in America.

The most highly used gene jabs were developed by German Turkish Muslims does it remind you of the holocaust? It does me.  In the UK the gov is not allowed legally to advertise the jabs directly to the consumer of it. So if you live in the UK, you can complain to the Advertising Standard Authority. 

I've defended Israel during my life but I will not defend the Israeli court on their decision to remove the medical licence from Dr Aryeh Avi. Nor will I defend Israel while they are forcing people to take the jabs so that they can keep their jobs or travel. 

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