
Friday 26 February 2021


The British monarchy should be standing for the Human Rights of our people and the Human Right of Dissent. Not being manipulated by the Boris government and big pharma's nanotechnology mRNA that is causing fatalities and adverse reactions in shocking official stats. People are dropping like flies after being jabbed. Just you wait and see the class action lawsuits in America for the jabbing "crime against humanity". 

Germany, France, Sweden, Switzerland and Italy have all banned the Oxford Astra-Zeneca for 65s and over due to the speed at which that age group died after receiving the jabs in Norway. 55 people died in Gibraltar too, in Gibraltar they called it a "massacre".  Pfizer and Moderna are no better, all of the jabs are lethal. No jab, no crime! I have a better crown than Elizabeth! 

Has far as Harry and Meghan are concerned, has far as the MSM are concerned in America, they've seen nothing yet. If they were really trying to get away from the MSM the last place they would have gone to is America. America can be a culture shock for tolerant Brits at how the MSM in America treat people. 

Elizabeth's Christmas gift to Archie was telling, a "waffle maker", that's because Harry and Meghan are full of "waffle". 

It is PURIM today and it looks like the family that backed the jab are on their way down into their own demise from the comments from the British people in response to it. 50% of the American military families are against the jabs, EL AL flight crews and an Israeli politician also declined it. The youngest child that died in America after getting the experimental injection was a one year old. In South Korea it was 17, in Israel it was 25 years old and they were just a few of the reports from January, 2021. 

Epic "failure" from the British monarchy, Not for one second do I believe that Elizabeth's doctors allowed her to take the experimental injection. Even the recording of her was out of sync and looked like it had been dubbed. Yea, "selfish", she is indeed, while millions of British people are at food banks. 

The same with Harry and Meghan and their PR stunts that backfire on them. Her majesty's British government should be forced to resign for their "crimes against humanity" that she supports. Enough, really is enough! Has Buddha said, "hard times always reveal true friends", and Elizabeth is certainly not a real friend to the British people when she supports Big pharma that Jesus stands against.  

Jesus has guided yours truly against the injections has can be seen in previous blogposts. Say NO to nanotechnology being put into your bodies. Put the length of days of your health and integrity first! 

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