
Saturday 27 February 2021

BMA -v- Coroners

I came across this yesterday. An article in THE PULSE, a magazine that is sent free to GPs. 

The BMA (British Medical Association) threatened Coroners with legal action over death verification advice given by Coroners. Has far as the Coroners are concerned only medical/health care professionals can verify deaths in person and the BMA were standing against that back in May, 2020.

Take a look at this tweet from Chris Thirkill, Phd about what happened in Ireland. 

Then take a look at this tweet from Helen C.  "Time to start pressing charges against GP's as it is a criminal offence to put false information on a death certificate. Professor Cahill did it in Ireland and they couldn't change the death certificates quick enough". 

Tony wrote: "It is a criminal offence to wilfully make false statements regarding the cause of death.  

Perjury Act 1911, Section 4".

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