
Thursday 11 February 2021


This is a major alert today. The Daily Mail featured an article that says that they're going to start trials with the mRNA jabs on younger participants. Don't let your children be guinea pigs, the youngest child that has died after an mRNA jab was only 17 years old. There are over 41,000 adverse reactions and over 15,000 severe repercussions in Europe alone. 

A child's brain hasn't fully developed until the age of 25 and all jabs impact upon their brains. No jab is completely safe, none. 

Dr Sherri Tenpenny described the mRNA gene technology has having seven different mechanisms that impact detrimentally on healthy cells. 

American biologist, Pamela Acker also said that Astra-Zeneca jabs are "aborted-baby tainted". Aborted cells from 50 years ago. South Africa has banned Astra-Zeneca. Some EU countries have also banned it for the over 60s. 

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