
Tuesday 19 January 2021


The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 19th of January, 2021, the "Day of Dreams" and I have already begun to receive more dreams again. 

On the 30th January, "Day of Communication", Mercury retrograde in Aquarius until 20th of February. 

1st of February, "Day of Wilfulness", Venus enters Aquarius until the 25th of February. So a fun time is in store for us loving Aquarian air signs, the water carriers. 

So what's in store for yours truly, Robert Currey gave this report for January and February, some highlights from the report. 

Competent and efficient use of energy and skill. Physical drive works well with my common sense. Enough energy to accomplish tasks efficiently and effectively. Actions have the backing of those in authority, or an older person. Where you once encountered opposition or restriction, you can achieve your desired results. Standing up for yourself without throwing your weight around. 

Time usefully devoted to regular exercise. Activities bring satisfaction and keep my body trim without any risk of over-exerting myself. 

Difficult decisions are coming that impact directly upon my inner and outer life. Challenges can affect my domestic and vocational security. Demands made upon me, make it difficult to marry both roles. Alterations made to my life now will give a greater sense of security, purpose and direction in the coming years. It is beneficial and constructive when my public and private life stretch me personally. 

Increasing financial muscle, building a solid foundation for the future, being in control of my financial destiny. Advised to stay with what I know best. Consolidate, reorganise, don't overwork my body. Explore possibilities, rethink the framework of my life. Success and growth is coming in three years from now, although not in a way that I would anticipate it now. Patience, my time is coming. 

The 11th of February, there is a New Moon in Aquarius in my second house. Structure and security in my life, it will represent an important turning point in my life. It will be a landmark in the pattern of my life. Back-up and support comes much easier now, facing the future with a new certainly and purpose. With all people I have a generosity of Spirit. 

Re-evaluating the ideals of my generation. Ideals personified by the charismatic star, the romance of films, music, theatre and how we brought up our children. Life was much simpler for my generation, we glorified the clean and wholesome. Sensitive people respond more to this influence, this transit will last for two years. 

It is a time of personal expansion and any activities with horses in nature is shown to be successful, a buddy in London can ride a horse, I gave him the name of his horse that had been given to me clairvoyantly. He said, WOW.  The fact that he has made it thus far, I know he can go much further. I trust in the LORD Almighty and I pray every day for him. 

Arthur Rackham illustration. 

This influence is very good for teaching, giving and receiving advice and for the judgement of moral issues. Has I was writing, I received divine instructions related to food, so we are staying with it because food can harm the body and food can heal the body. It is important for the people to know the difference. Different health conditions require different nutrition. 


After my birthday on the 13th of February, I will be in a 4 year and a 4 year is great for the metaphysical too. 4 is practical, logical, it vibrates to Mercury the communicator.  My birthdate also compounds to 4. 4 people are often misunderstood by family and friends, referred to has being enigmatic, we live by our own standards and that doesn't alway correspond with society and it's rules. 

Author Anne Christie wrote that our every thought and action is marked with a peculiar individuality. We frequently shock others with our actions and speech - often thought to be deliberate. If there is a different way to do anything, the number 4 person will do it. Caring little for the present, frequently being light years ahead of the rest of the people. 

Anne also wrote that 4 people have an inborn talent for prophecy, knowing instinctively what will happen or be fashionable long before it arrives. 

An unconventional lifestyle, and more often or not, our ideas turn out to be surprisingly successful. To tell a 4 person that something is impossible just spurs us on and intensifies the urge to make a success of it. Friendships are vital, money has little or no meaning, there is not the slightest desire to impress others and we don't care where we live has long as we are allowed to have our own space. Considerate of others and we live in hope that others will be has considerate in return.

He's talking to me again now, "Hygeia". In Greek it can mean "health", "soundness", "wholeness" Jesus speaks to me in Greek terminology sometimes, Υγεία.

Hygeia is the name of a goddess, the legend goes that she gained a following after a plague on Athens. 

"Names such as Aesculapius and Hygeia applied less to individuals than to honorific titles conferred upon the headmasters and headmistresses of the initiatory colleges". John Lamb Lash

The asteroid was discovered in 1849, the 4th largest asteroid in our solar system.

So do we find the word in the bible translations? 

"Beloved, I pray that you may enjoy great health and all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well". 3 John 1:2. 


  1. Hi LF
    BB here.
    I've left the forum. LC said some shitty stuff on regard to me.
    Seemed harmless. Wasn't.
    So your were right about him, as was Iggy.
    I'm tired of being trolled all day, and then disbaraged by the guy that I left LOP for.
    I was båñňęď because I defended him.
    And you're correct, I'm pretty sure he's discussed me behind my back with enemies.
    So, I will miss everyone, but I'm not going back.
    I logged in just to get your url here.
    Last time for me.
    I'm also depressed about the election, as I do think Trump has given up.
    There was an assassination attempt.
    They almost got him, and they tried to kill Melania.
    SS saved her, and him.
    So, he has his wife and kids to worry about.
    Can't say I blame him.
    I fear for all their lives.

    I'll pop in and say hi.
    Be well
    Much love

  2. OK BB, keep in touch. Iggy has my email address. Take care of yourself in the meantime. Love beyond measure and big hugs.

    1. I'm around.
      Iggy and I aren't speaking, so I can't get your email from him.
      If you pm it to me on BT, I'll get it.
      I'll log in at some point. I'm posting somewhere else now, and I've been moving topics over, so I'll log in at some point.


  3. OK will do, I will PM you tomorrow. xx
