
Monday 4 January 2021


I've just heard the news that the Judge refused extradition to America, although the American legal team tend to appeal the case. Report says that the Judge made her decision based upon the health of Assange. 

All I can say is that I am very happy that Julian Assange has gained his freedom and will be released from prison on bail. Why there has to be bail for him, wasn't mentioned in this news report and live stream of the outcome of the case. All the media were outside the court today. 

Some of the police were harassing Assange supporters that were given a letter from the court that they would be able to enter the public gallery to hear the case. The police were using Covid guidelines to try to stop people from entering the court or even standing as an individual in his support. 

I saw and heard one police officer say this to one of the men there today. "It doesn't matter what you think, it only matters what I think". That is an officer whose wages are paid for by the people. Yet, he has the audacity to say that it doesn't matter what you think for what we pay for. 

As far as I am concerned, supporting a man on trial is not a protest. Individuals, socially distancing, attending a trial is lawful in these circumstances.

Congratulations to Julian Assange, his legal team, medical representatives, family and friends. I can tell you that Princess Diana is very happy indeed with this outcome. 

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