
Saturday 23 January 2021


Jesus has been speaking of food that harms you and food that heals you. He's most concerned about the food that can harm the bodies of the people. After he spoke about food, he then spoke of Hygeia. 

He's talking to me again now, "Hygeia". In Greek it can mean "health", "soundness", "wholeness" Jesus speaks to me in Greek terminology sometimes, Υγεία.

Hygeia is the name of a goddess, the legend goes that she gained a following after the plague in  Athens. 

"Names such as Aesculapius and Hygeia applied less to individuals than to honorific titles conferred upon the headmasters and headmistresses of the initiatory colleges". John Lamb Lash

The asteroid was discovered in 1849, the 4th largest asteroid in our solar system.

So do we find the word in the bible translations? 

"Beloved, I pray that you may enjoy great health and all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well". 3 John 1:2. 

After he spoke I then received the dream of the Floor Steamer, after that a Neighbour dream and in it was a young man that came to replace the windscreen in my car with new wipers. The reason that I am mentioning this is because the young man sanitised my car. That makes my car more healthy to be in. We think of sanitising our hands, our homes, we must also sanitise our cars at this time. 

So what food are you having this weekend? I'm having beef and mushroom ale pie. With red cabbage, kale and sugar snaps. Roast potatoes. Tomorrow, it will be roast chicken and more veg. 


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