
Monday 25 January 2021


George Michael was talking this morning and when I opened my eyes he was wearing the snow coat that he wore in the WHAM video. 25th of January, 2021, exactly a month after he passed over in 2016. The first time he said WHAM to me was in in 2017. In recent years he spoke of helping a young neighbour and that legal case is quickly coming to a close, the case has been won. On the 18th of February, it will be the final sign off by the judge.

In 2020, he spoke of helping yours truly and my son. I comprehend his reasoning for doing so. 

He was wearing his snow coat this morning and there is a lot of snow in the UK at this time. This morning, George was encouraging yours truly to move. It sounds like this will be the last Christmas living where I am. It is the right time to make that move, although every move is an upheaval. 

The last time I made a move of location Lady Diana was with me. She travelled with me to Australia and back again, we have a special connection on the love vibration. Diana and George also have a special connection and sometimes they come to see me together, divine love in manifestation. 

The last time I gave hands on healing to an elderly man he began singing "I'm your man". 

There isn't any snow where I am today, although there was some sleet yesterday. It is all very well for him to say move, the question is where too George? Clearly, I shall not be in the same place next Christmas has I have been this Christmas. 

The film Last Christmas includes a Yuletide romance of a Londoner that worked in a shop. I also worked in retail in my youth in London where I was born, it was always part-time, Saturday's or evenings to provide extra income on top of my full-time job. In the 50s many of us started work at age 15. That was the London that once was prior to yours truly leaving London in my 20s. In my 20s London became what was known as cosmopolitan, has the years went by it became multi-cultural. 

I remember sitting in St Martins Lane in the 80s, thinking this is not the London where I grew up anymore, it had changed drastically due to mass immigration. The last time I was in London was in 2008, I had been invited to lunch by a book publisher. After that the publisher insisted upon an editor for the book. Maybe I will finish the book so that people can read what has been written prior to 2008, it includes a chapter on the meaning of salvation. 

George certainly woke me up talking to me this morning, bless him. 

I've also received a dream of George showing me a book cover, he said that he had written a book. We laughed together on the train to Birmingham because I asked him how he was going to promote it because I knew that he didn't like touring for self-promotion. There is a funny story about George trying to get into a night club in Birmingham, he said that the doorman told him that he didn't care whether he was Frank Sinatra, he still wasn't coming into the club. He laughed, great sense of humour, great personality. 

During the dream we also spoke about horses, and my astrological chart shows that anything to do with horses goes great in 2021. I was also born in the year of the horse, my massage therapist trained in equine nutrition in America, I'm sure that is a fascinating subject. I did go horse riding in north London in my teens. I knew London like the back of my hand, and often would take people sight seeing. I also rode in Kent and when my family took us abroad to sunnier climates. Country pursuits were always in my patriotic heart due to 50% of my young life living in the countryside. 

Life was shared in the big city of London, and also in the Kent countryside. 

25th of January, is the "Day of Destiny". 

Planetary wise there is a Sun-Chiron connection today. 

The moon entered George and Diana's sun sign today too. 

Empowering them both. 

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