
Sunday 3 January 2021



People are dying after taking the new genetic Covid vaccines. People are dying within hours and days of taking the vaccine, even in Israel. Israel have vaccinated the most people of any country, over a million people.

On the volunteer that died in Brazil, articles say that the volunteer was given a placebo and not the Covid vaccination. However, with further investigation, the placebo group were given a meningitis jab.

A 91 year old nursing home resident reportedly died in Switzerland died five days after receiving the vaccine.


Even Reuters Fact Checkers are saying that people with allergies should not take the vaccine. This article also mentions the Bell Palsy cases, neurological complications.

Paul Saladino MD wrote that "the mRNA Covid vaccine will not save you from the massive amount of metabolic dysfunction which is driving severe Covid outcomes."

All vaccines impact upon the brain, and no vaccine is 100% safe. 

The latest reaction to the vaccine is a 32 year old Mexican doctor, taken into intensive care on Friday with an initial diagnosis of Encephalomyelitis, an inflammation of the brain and spinal cord. 

Neurological complications caused by the vaccine. Her symptoms included seizures, breathing and a skin rash. 

The article featured in the Jerusalem Post mentions that the doctor has a history of allergic reactions.

That's it then, it's final, no vaccine for yours truly. Has I have experienced an allergic reaction to pharmaceuticals previously, and I couldn't eat for eleven days. Low blood pressure, breathing and a skin rash. 

Did you know that 44% of the British population have allergies?

The British government have also launched a warning about the vaccine. In this video it warns against the vaccine if you have any allergies. It also mentions other health conditions, but it doesn't specify what those health conditions are. 

British government launch new Coronavirus website for reporting side effects and equipment incidents.

UPDATE 5th January, 2021. 

Portuguese health worker, 41 years old,  died 48 hours after the vaccine was given to her. Her dad said that she didn't have any medical conditions.

UPDATE 8th January, 2021. 

American doctor, Dr Gregory Michael from Florida died of a stroke after taking the Covid vaccine, his wife said that the referred himself to hospital after three days when he saw blood spots indicating internal bleeding. The doctor was 56 years old.

Further news a Pentagon study shows that people that take a flu jab have an increased risk of 36% of catching Coronavirus.

I will keep this watch updated monthly and continually update this blog post has more reports come in, they can't cover this up. Tell your friends and family, forewarned is forearmed. 

UPDATE 15th January, 2021. 

13 deaths in Norway after the Pfizer vaccine. 

Australian scientists urge pause on deployment of AstraZeneca over efficacy concerns, suggests Pfizer or Moderna instead. Russia prohibits clinics from offering Covid 19 Pfizer vaccine after foreign owned company found selling injections in Moscow.

UPDATE 20th January, 2021 

Norway has increased to 33, plus there is five in France that died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine.

In California, the Moderna vaccine has been paused due to adverse reactions the news report did not indicate what those reactions were or how severe they were. 

UPDATE 25th January, 2021

Another death in California, hours after the vaccine was given.

92 year old woman in England died five days after being given the vaccine.

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