
Tuesday 26 January 2021


Brandon Straka has been arrested by the FBI in America. Brandon Straka led the walk away campaign, the people that gave their own testimonies of why they walked away from the Liberal Democrat political party. 

Not even their own could bring the Liberal Democrats to heel to work for the people instead of against the people, so the people walked away. In fact some even voted for President Trump during the landslide election in his favour.  Has Katie Hopkins says, Brandon Straka is not alone. 

In the UK, Gerard Batten has had his Twitter account suspended because he has been posting and warning people about the vaccines. Whatever happened to freedom of speech Twitter? Freedom of Speech is international law. I didn't post on Twitter or Facebook, I just didn't like the feel and energy of it. A long time ago, looked at both platforms and the energy of those American owned platforms was ominous. 

1 comment:

  1. Disgraceful.
    This country is such a sham now. It's embarrassing.
