
Thursday 31 December 2020


While people sit in their homes in front of the television believing the government narrative. A woman has been arrested for exposing the truth about a hospital in Gloucestershire. 

Anti-lockdown activist, Debbie Hicks walked around Gloucestershire hospital and filmed how deserted it was, even the cardiology ward was closed. Yet, the police arrested her for sharing the truth on-line. Youtube have removed the video of inside of the hospital, although a copy of it can be seen with this Daily Mail article. 

Thank you to the Daily Mail for sharing the film of truth and the police actions against the anti-lockdown activist. Once you have watched the film, do you still believe the government narrative? Or do you have your eyes and ears closed? It is outrageous that this 46 year old whistleblower has been arrested during Christmas festivities for sharing the truth.

Remember Jesus warned us in advance about what they would do, he also advised us that we would be guided on what to say in response. Tell everyone the truth, no vaccine is 100% safe. The only law that is worthy of humanity is the law that brings freedom. 

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