
Thursday 24 December 2020


Gravitas is a new word for yours truly from Spirit and my dad did like to study a dictionary, a self educated man of great stature and dignity. 

When I was a child he was a stickler for good posture and standing upright. The Son of Joseph was determined that his children would stand in the truth with justice.  Has a Christian he lived it being an example of the Christ teachings and he knew that the truth sets people free. 

Like Jesus he loved to be at the waters edge, Aqua. 

He didn't like all the money that got spent on Christmas, mum used to call him Scrooge at Christmas, and we would all laugh. Although he loved it once it arrived and being with his family especially, he did love his food and my mother was a great cook. When my gran Sophia was alive it was always special because it was also her birthday. Born on Christmas day. 


7th December, 2020. 

In my teenage years he taught me how to use my voice to emphasise words when public speaking. I was 12 years of age when he taught me how to debate in class and my subject matter was the historic London match girls. The historic story that taught us how fortunate we were in comparison with those young people. 

I had a dream of him this December and we were on a plane together. It was after I reviewed the dream on the 23rd of December that gravitas was spoken. A great journey together.

Gravitas is an interesting word and it reminds me of the gravity of love. The charismatic power of love that is serious in its pure intentions, dignified, articulate, responsible and committed to the task given. 

Venus was considered to be the embodiment of gravitas, Venus the planet of love. 

So what is Venus up to? On the 15th of December, Venus moved into my ascendent sign of Sagittarius the traveller. Not surprising then that I bought a bag for travelling at the Charity shop this week for £1. My charity buys are investment as they save me money. My financial motto is look after the pennies and the pounds will look after themselves. 

On the 8th of January, 2021, Venus moves into Capricorn and Capricorn likes stability and security in relationships and business partnerships. Strong Capricorn that usually comes into their own after the age of 50. Capricorns usually have strong bone structure and structure in their lives, although Venus can rearrange their thoughts and intentions to see a situation in a different way than they first thought. 

Things are not always has they seem and when Capricorn accepts the wisdom of Aquarius it benefits their lives immeasurably. They have to look beyond appearances to get on track and keep on track.

Mercury moves into my sun sign of Aquarius on the 8th of January too, freedom loving Aquarius. The truth that sets you free. Freedom being the key word for Aquarians, my son is a double Aquarian. Mercury the great communicator, it is certainly beneficial in Aquarius. 

January signifies a time of movement for yours truly, being where I am meant to be. Moving on, starting something new with my upgraded computer. The LORD's divine plan is revealed slowly and surely in the heart of integrity for wisdom more precious than rubies. 

Job said that wisdom is found with the elderly, and understanding in long life, some translate it has length of days. Job 12:12. Life experience cannot be underestimated because it always brings its gems that sparkle in the night time like the flashing laser lights of energy that I was blessed to see this evening on my desk. 

Writing can be like that, like a flash of inspiration, a flash of intuition, a flash of accuracy with the word that touches you so deeply it remains in your heart forever. In the beginning was the WORD, divinely given. I found Jesus to be a man of few words but what he did say was profound on different levels, words having more than one meaning. 

Wishing all of our readers GRAVITAS over this Christmas and beyond into 2021. 

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