
Friday 18 December 2020


On the 6th of December 2020 I received a dream of my dad, the Son of Joseph, we were together on a plane. He was sitting in the window seat and I was next to him. He was on a mobile phone making payments for things that he was buying. 

Then I heard my name being called and I was being told to wake up. 

In dream interpretation to dream of your dad that has passed over means that there is important news coming. There is progress in business, professional or career matters. A telephone can indicate rivalry where you least expect it. Travelling by plane can indicate that news is coming from someone that lives far away. 


Dad was sitting on my left and biblically that is an honour. I was sitting on his right and that is length of days. I have outlived my dad, he passed over at the age of 57. It's a long time since I've seen him in dream state and it was great to be so close to him on the same plane. After that was written I heard the word 'GRAVITAS', and dad certainly had that, he taught his daughter gravitas by example. 

"Wisdom is found with the elderly and understanding comes with long life". Job 12:12 In some translations it is "length of days". When I think of the word gravitas, I think of the gravity of love.

So what news do we have from GRAVITAS ? 

Erdogan has been sentencing children for speaking out against him.

Another UPDATE 

In this dream my dad was on a mobile phone making payments and ordering purchases. In dream interpretation buying purchases indicate an unexpected profit. However, a profit can manifest in different ways, e.g. the fruit of his labours, his daughter sitting by his side on the plane going in the same direction together. You shall know them by their fruit. Dad didn't like credit, he liked to pay cash for everything that he would like, he didn't like debt. I didn't like debt either during my life, he certainly instilled having financial responsibility into yours truly, because debt is a tie, a restriction and he didn't like being restricted at all. 

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