
Thursday 31 December 2020

13th January 2021 DAY OF UPWARD MOBILITY

Roland shares about the first New Moon in 2021, New Moon in Capricorn. The 13th of January is the "Day of Upward Mobility". Has we know Capricorn is the sign of the sturdy goat, stable and strong. England is ruled by Capricorn so we are likely see a lot of change coming quickly. 

He says that Mars is moving into Aries on the 6th of January, 2021. That is the "Day of Substantiation". It is also an important day in the American election process. Aries the Ram, interesting that forensics have been able to access voting machines remotely in the state of Georgia. So much evidence has been substantiated in detriment to the Dominion voting machines. 

There was some interesting health research published yesterday, a five year study of Vit D and Omega 3s together was found to be hugely beneficial in defending the bodies of the people against cancer. 

Although the people in the study were only given 2,000 IU of Vit D. I'm taking a minimum of 5,000 IU each day of Vit D and must take my Omega 3s on a regular basis.  The link to the article arrived on my mobile phone. If I can find the scientific publication, I will post a link to it on this blog. 

What am I having for dinner this New Year's Eve? Fish Chowder. 


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