
Monday 23 November 2020


I had a sauna steamer this evening, said my prayers, and then drifted off beautifully into dreamtime in bed. Then I had a dream about a younger couple. He was in his 40s and his wife looked mid to late 30s. They had three children I think, two children and a baby. Although the girl and the baby were prominent in the dream.  They looked a bit like the couple in the film Lake House, but he had darker hair. 

I was driving them around in my red car. He was on his mobile most of the time with business calls, we were on the coastline, it was a sharply winding coastline. Has the road dipped to go around a sharp corner, the man noticed a new apartment block on the left hand side of the road. 

We drove on and then when we were driving back, (the apartment block was then on our right) we stopped so we could look at the property that was for sale. I think he had moved with his job, so they were looking for somewhere to live. 

The large apartment was overlooking the sea, it was a sea front property.  It was lovely, in fact, the property that was available was a ground floor apartment slightly separate from the main building. We liked it very much and it was large, although I only saw a glimpse of inside of it that was still a shell, the walls hadn't even been painted.  

When we were back in the car he had a brochure and I asked him how much the new apartment was, he said, 200,000. I said "That's a good price for that property". Due to the size of it, it was a 4 bed apartment, on the ground floor with a garden and they had three children so were looking for that size property. 

He wasn't very attentive to his wife in the dream, I had to keep on calling his attention to her and that she required help with the pram etc. She couldn't get up some steps with the pram and the baby on her own. 

Then we were in the car and we were driving in a city with old buildings. There were two old red buses on the road and the fronts of the metal red buses were all jagged. I said to him "You will have to drive", so he took the wheel of my car.  Even one of the bus drivers said that the two buses should be taken off the road. 

Then we were in a place and I saw some local people that I know sitting on a park bench, asking me to join them. I wasn't interested in joining those friends, I was enjoying myself with the young couple and children. 

I had given the children some homemade chocolates to eat. The chocolates that I made last week in real life. I encouraged the little girl to choose one for herself. There were paintbrushes in the dream too, paintbrushes that I had used for decorating my real home that I live in at this time.  I asked the little girl not to touch the paintbrushes because they had been cleaned with solvents. 

When I woke up from the dream I felt completely refreshed and rested. 


If the landscape in your dream is beautiful or pleasing to you it signifies bright future prospects. In dream interpretation dreaming of chocolates predicts good health and modest contentment.

With driving if you're driving yourself in a dream it is advising you to be cautious financially for the next few weeks. If another person was driving you, it indicates some money luck. 

Buildings in a dream are significant, has buildings are symbolic of your achievements. There were both old and new buildings in the dream. 

So what is happening in the UK? One third of all businesses have closed their doors and that will definitely impact upon the property market. Property prices and rents will have to come down to a reasonable cost and we could see prices slashed by developers due to some going bust and unable to finish their developments.  Be cautious financially as the dream indicates because that dream included an unfinished property that was reflected in the price for the 4 bedroom apartment. 

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