
Sunday 22 November 2020


Patrick Arundell shares his view of the Gemini Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. He shares that the last time we had an eclipse in Gemini in this eclipse series was in 1984.  

The Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon in Gemini is on the 30th of November and Trump is a sun sign GEM IN I. 

I don't agree with Patrick on Obama, remember this it was Obama and Biden with the Clinton team that took America to war with Libya. Obama is always about "Projection", and "Project Fear", Obama is a Leo he enjoys the drama and it is biblical because Obama is featured in the Book of Daniel and Rev 13. 

Remember that wisdom was called, wisdom with insight. Obama isn't a business man, whereas Trump is a business man. In fact, Gemini's are usually great at business due to their tireless energy that they put into anything that they are engaged with. Think about how tireless Trump has been in achieving and defending freedom for America. He's certainly the Freedom President. 

Now compare Trump with Boris, Boris is in bed with China like Biden is, whereas Trump has done his utmost to defend the business of America. To keep jobs in America and bring the jobs back home to America. So not all Gemini's are the same, due to different life experiences and soul journey's determined by the pre-destination of the north nodes in their birth charts.  Boris had his career background in journalism, he's a journalist by trade. 

Not surprising then that Boris supports electric cars with batteries from China that are not ecological because they cannot be recycled. Hence, huge landfill would be increased if the UK is forced to go that route with cars. IDS has said that the UK are world leaders in hydrogen, alas, those cars explode if you crash your car. So that isn't the solution either for us that are mindful of the consequences. 

Aquarians are advised to keep our focus on the big picture during this eclipse time.  I'm certainly doing that by watching the developments in America has the outcome of the Presidential election will impact upon the world.  

Sudden changes around where I live, that is certainly true. Patrick says that recent years have been very bruising for Libra's and Aquarians. Rewards are coming, hold on. The last time we had a Gemini eclipse, 1984, was a great year for yours truly work wise in the creative communications industry. I was in a new job and took a major role in developing a creative company. 

Not surprising really has I have a Gemini moon sign, hence, emotive communications in regard to business and business relationships was always going to be at the forefront of my life. Wisdom more precious than rubies. Campaigns and campaigning has to be emotive and the Trump voters and supporters are certainly fired up for the win, 80 million voters is huge! 

I am very impressed with Sidney Powell and Trump's legal team, and it will be interesting what class action lawsuits that she files during this eclipse. I anticipate that it will be massive and powerful with the numeric of three supporting her, has three is a numeric of wisdom and she has spoken about three different lawsuits. 

Did you know that in America, military ballots are rewritten out so that they can go through the machines? So if the observers didn't have oversight, how can the states be sure that those absentee ballots are written out accurately? Sidney says that the action that she is taking will be biblical. 

Interesting that 2020 in numerics is "Double Judgement" and it aligns with the prophecy from Prophet Isaiah. Remember what Jesus said, the truth shall set you free. 


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