
Wednesday 18 November 2020

FULL MOON 30th November 2020

This forthcoming full moon is on the 30th of November, 2020. Roland Legrand from Australia shares with us about the planetary energies at this time. He mentions the importance of accuracy during his presentation and speaking succinctly. This full moon is in Gemini, Trump's sun sign and there is also a Lunar Eclipse too. 

This link shares planetary information on different parts of the body and health for the month of November. Including the 30th.

Interesting that I have Gemini moon sign, (I also have Gemini in my 6th and 7th house) and I am experiencing health issues with my shoulders due to a spur in my neck impacting on the nervous system.  X-rays showed that I have osteoarthritis in my hands.  I take golden sultanas soaked in gin for my hands, and it works amazingly. No pain in my hands when I take that remedy every day, I've been taking it since 2017.  The LORD strengthened my hands and the bible mentions that. 

On-line it says that the osteoarthritis condition can be caused due to overuse. However, has shared previously, I've experienced injuries in my youth that impacted on my left hand and have had a swollen thumb joint in my hand since my 30s. The two injuries and the scars created a YW in my left hand, Yahweh. I also have a childhood injury in my left foot, has I stood on a broken glass in the river medway at age 7. The scar created a crescent moon shape, I have the moon under my feet has mentioned in the book of revelation. 

Gemini is a powerful communicator, an air sign with a lot to say, they are also fast thinkers and have photographic memories. So keep an eye on information being shared now, especially from the White House and the Trump legal team. I think of Trump has the Freedom President especially after the dream received of him on the 3rd of September 2019. He came out of the turbine roaring to stop China in its tracks. 

A powerful Lunar eclipse for President Trump and his team. The most recent painting has an eagle swooping, the eagles are on it. 

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