
Wednesday 11 November 2020


Mars moves direct this week in Aries, and the 14th of November is the "Day of Investigator", although some say it turns on the 13th and that is the "Day of Commentator'. It will still be direct in the investigator energy that will become ever more powerful in the next week. We have a lot of Citizen Journalists involved in investigations both in the UK and America. 

The importance of people knowing the truth, my dad was an Aries and telling the truth was paramount to him, in the heart of integrity he did stand. In later life with loads of life experience the elder became a justice of the peace in the courtrooms. Remember that children learn what they live. If children live with justice they will always pursue justice. If children live with truth they will always appreciate the truth and pursue it.  In truth, the children have a strong foundation on which to build their lives. 

Also remember what Jesus said about the truth providing freedom. The message that I received last night, "Nevertheless".  The word FREEDOM is key to all Aquarians.

Nevertheless launched a song called "Augustine", and I visited St Augustine in 2008, in that location an investigation was made and the lefties fled that location after Michael and I paid them a visit. Michael is mentioned in the book of Daniel. 

I didn't hear from those members of Theosophy again after that, they had been exposed.  Jesus was standing by my side, whispering in my ear has they were speaking. Never accept anything but the truth, truth is divine. Jesus only speaks the truth and his words can be profound. 

I saw glimpses of President Trump again last night and he was smiling. I view Trump has the Freedom President. The greatest President that America has ever had during my lifetime. 

What else is being investigated? My GP surgery are asking to see me for a medical examination this week. I've asked for a thorough investigation of my neck and shoulders with an MRI scan. Health is my personal priority, although I investigate chronic health conditions for others if and when they ask me too or I am divinely compelled to do so. Once I start investigating a case, Jesus then helps me with the investigation and gives divine counsel on what is required. It can be very intense indeed for yours truly. 

What I am being shown this morning is we have overcame every obstacle, we jumped over so many  hurdles, just like the rider that won the race to my heart. Trump was born in the year of the dog, and he has great agility for a man of his age, a Gemini communicator that is fit to lead. 

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