
Friday 6 November 2020


Two Citizen Journalists were arrested while filming the Million Man March in London last night, 5th of November. They were arrested with some of the marchers, it was a mass arrest after the police kettled the people in Oxford Street, London. 

Know that the EU Court of Human Rights judged against the police activity in March 2012, the court made kettling by the police illegal.


Innocent people were arrested and kept in cells over night, the two Citizen Journalists were taken to Lewisham Police Station, they weren't fined or charged pending investigation. During the night I watched all of the filming from 18.00hrs GMT, and from what I saw of it, the march was peaceful with people shouting for FREEDOM. I saw a 60 year old woman targeted by the police force, a vulnerable woman carrying a poster LOVE NOT FEAR. 

Has we know the lockdowns are also illegal in international law although the World Bank/IMF have given governments instructions that they must comply with their demands in exchange for monies to governments. They demand lockdowns and curfews. 

George Michael has been strong with me while I've been watching our people defend our freedoms in London. He keeps on saying he's going to help me. In this painting I can see the head of a white rabbit, a white dog, and a badger. George Michael was born in the year of the Rabbit, my son was born in the year of the dog and so was Donald Trump. 

On the live stream last night people were saying that Biden had won the American election. I corrected them and told them that Trump won the election. This blog post is on the TRUMP STING OPERATION.


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