
Thursday 19 November 2020


This is an Environmental Health Trust Conference on filings in FCC Legal Case and withheld by the American agency. The FFC stands for Federal Communications Commission. 

This on-line conference with 500 people involved is an hour long conference presenting the facts in the law suit. EHT have been calling for the FCC to update its standards due to their criteria being 30 years out of date in 2014. 

The earlier in life that a child is subjected to cell phone radiation, the higher the % of brain cancer.  Has we know the brain isn't fully developed until the age of 25. 

During the conference an English doctor, Dr Tony Miller also shares the evidence, not only on cell phone radiation he also talks about the dangers of smart meters and 5g.  The doctor says that governments appear to be held hostage by corporations. 

People with common sense can agree with that. I only have a mobile phone for emergencies and I rarely have it on or close to my body. I would never have a mobile phone on anywhere near a child and every mobile phone should carry a health warning due to the dangers of the radiation. 

This conference is an hour long when you have the time to listen to it. 

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