
Friday 23 October 2020


When you open your eyes after sleep and hear the words "You're beautiful" has a reminder that great Spirit is with you. 

Although in your heart you know divine love is with you, love is always standing by, close to you. How fortunate it is to be clairaudient, it is such a blessing. Remember how Jesus spoke of clear hearing, (clairudience) clear seeing (clairvoyance) and the importance of the heart that comprehends. 

The Native Americans have a beautiful philosophy, the older that a woman gets her beauty moves from her face to her heart. It is wonderful how they honour their spiritual elders.

When you don't feel too great, Spirit come to lift you up. Trust in the divine. 

It is a beautiful day today in the UK where I am, the sunshine is bright again today, a great day for gardening and repotting the Lemongrass for overwintering.  I hope to make some Oregano oil too for health and cooking use. I did enjoy a sauna steamer in Oregano last night prior to sleep. 


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