
Sunday 4 October 2020


I was listening to the Alex Belfield live stream this evening and reports coming in are thus:

Only 10% of 770 people from Northumbria University that were told that they had Covid have shown any symptoms of having it. None of the 10% are in a serious condition. 

One of the whistleblowers shared that suicides are soaring in the north east and while in hospital their organs are being taken. She says that medical staff are not even stitching the bodies back up prior to being sent to the funeral directors. 

Alex asked the woman what age range they were in and the woman said they were all under 30. One of the cases was a young girl that wasn't allowed to go to her gran's funeral due to Covid restrictions. 

Has far as organs being taken, the Conservatives introduced a law that they can take someone's organs without asking unless they opt out. How many young people are aware of that and or know where to go to opt out of the Tories law? Prior to that people had to carry a donor card if they were willing to donate any of their body. Now, instead of opting in, you have to opt out of British government organ harvesting. 

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