
Sunday 18 October 2020

RAF Diversity, Ponytails and Dreadlocks


Is it really so difficult to recruit people to join the RAF, do the RAF really have to bow to diversity, ponytails and dreadlocks? I agree with Alex, if a person is wearing dreadlocks they're not going to join the RAF. However, the people that did join the RAF that I have met or come in contact with, have had great careers. After they left their service in the RAF they went on with great qualifications for an incredible life. Recently I spread the paint for our great RAF, see the pic above. 

Why don't the RAF offer a better package to attract more people to it? The way the job market is right now, there are plenty of intelligent young people that require jobs. I'd like to look at their recruitment marketing campaign and exactly why they're not recruiting enough people. 

This is one of the most recent paintings and it has got flight in it with a fish. 

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