
Tuesday 13 October 2020

Oct 16 Day of Essential Judgement

The New Moon in Libra is arriving this week on the 16th of October, 2020. It comes on the "Day of Essential Judgement". Donna Paige gives us her view of this Super New Moon. Interesting that there is a Supreme Court hearing nomination happening in America this week. I think Trump made an excellent choice for the Supreme Court nomination. 

I have a meeting arranged for the 15th has this energy is coming in and that is the "Day of Personal Magnetism", a great day for any type of meeting and reconciliation. Libra likes to be friends with everyone and they don't like any bad feelings. They like to clear the air so that everyone can understand each other and where each other are coming from. Justice and fairness is important to Libra, Lady justice is very appropriate for America in the Supreme Court in this timeline.  

This view of it is from Sky. You might like to hear about it from different perspectives. I must admit I did like Sky's view of it.

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