
Tuesday 27 October 2020


I was listening to Talk Radio and afterwards Jesus spoke of "Hypocondria", our nation is divided by those that "fear" Covid and those that don't. Jesus taught his followers to never be afraid for has it is written in scripture, "worrying cannot add a single day to your life". 

When you consider the damage that has been done to the UK economy and the health of our people, people should be outraged to know that it is the World Bank and the IMF that have been offering governments money if they lockdown and introduce curfews. Has Jesus said many years ago, "Silence is Compliance", and I certainly will not be silent nor will I comply with Boris Johnson who is increasing the debt of the nation that future generations will be asked to pay. 

People in the UK were already suffering from "Health Insecurity", due to not being able to access appropriate treatment prior to the lockdown, now the situation is far worse with 18 million people waiting to see a medical professional. 250,000 people are waiting for MRI scans, I've been waiting a year for an MRI scan. Some people are also suffering hypocondria on top of that due to "project fear". 

Did you know that people are having heart attacks and that "fear" is killing people? 26,000 more people have died at home than usual. 

Couldn't access hospital care or too afraid to go to hospital? A thorough investigation of those 26,000 cases is called for because only 3% of those people had flu or Covid. The government is now combining cases of flu with Covid cases so how will people ever know the true stats of the virus? 

So what treatment do people with "hypocondria" usually receive from the NHS? They're given anti-depressants and CBT. Neither of which heals the condition that they endure. CBT is an American methodology that was developed in the 80s. They close down cases to boost their stats so that they can get more government funding. Another outrageous situation supported by successive governments.  

Clinical psychologists across the EU and from America have challenged the IAPT CBT service at a conference held in 2014 in England. 

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