
Thursday 8 October 2020


David shares that we have Mercury Retrograde Scorpio transit this week and Mars Squares Pluto. 

Mercury stays in Scorpio from the 13th of November until the 3rd of November. A long transit and it begins on the "Day of Dangerous Enemy". It is also happening in the lead up to the election in America. President Trump certainly has a very big job on his hands, navigating his people and country to safety.  

Who is the strongest candidate to do that? Donald and the gematria of his name is the same as healer. I do believe that Trump could heal the rifts in his country if the Liberal Democrats would allow him to do so. 

I noticed last night some Liberals are saying that they will never vote Liberal Democrat again, not while they carry on doing what they've done and have been doing the last four years. The behaviour of the Liberal Democrats has certainly had a detrimental impact on many of their discerning voters. So many have walked away from the Lib Democrats in the last four years. Now Trump is calling for Biden and Obama to be indicted and I agree with him.  

During the video presentation David mentions Galahad and the Holy Grail, Arthurian Legends of the King and his courageous, brave Knights. Sir Galahad was given the Holy Grail, he won the heart of the holy person that could give it to him. Illustrator, Arthur Rackham understood the story of the grail, I loved his illustrations when I was a child, a had a few books illustrated by Rackham. Although I came across this lovely Holy Grail illustration some years ago. 

Sir Galahad's soul also had the choice of when he chose to leave the planet. Has I have shared previously the palm of your hand shows you how many options a person has in respect of how they will leave the planet. Although their astro charts can indicate possibilities of when that choice is made. 

Sir Galahad reincarnated and he is on the planet at this time, he won the blessing of the Holy Grail again in this life time, life extended. Although astrology is not in the Holy Grail. Even so, in scripture Jesus taught to watch the signs of the sun, moon and stars. Hence it is important to keep your heart and mind open to different spiritual realities. During my spiritual journey, during times of difficulty, at different times Jesus, his Mother and Melchizedek asked me to look up. It is better to look up than to look down. 

How many Christians reject astrology and the power of planetary configurations? Have they read their bibles? Last weekend a Libra elder spoke of how his prayers were never answered, now that is a big subject matter. Again, if he had read his scripture he would know the reason why. 

Of course the Sun is still in Libra, and there is a Libra birthday of a neighbour today. He was born on the "Day of Romance", 8th of October. Libra likes romance being ruled by Venus. Bless him. 

What I have noticed is that every time my young Libra neighbour helps this healer, something very positive happens in Michael's life afterwards. Divine blessings. Hashem loves his saintly healers that he sends to help his people.  Divine love in compassionate action, divine love in manifestation. In these hands, one healer became a 1,000 just as scripture indicated. The worthy helped the worthy exactly has Jesus said we would. 

I like Jupiter in my sun sign of Aquarius, I enjoy the joyful attributes of Jupiter. Attitude determines altitude. For my Libra friend on the cusp of Scorpio, anything is possible in alignment with the divine, miracles are possible in pure intention. 

Life extended, life lived and shared. May you be blessed to live a long and happy life. Riding through life, dancing through life, flying through life, the music of a lifetime, you have been loved beyond measure. 

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