
Sunday 11 October 2020


Just before I was about to close down the computer for the evening, moving gold energy appeared upon my keyboard, golden energy then appeared as a Hebrew symbol upon my heart, it looked like a Lamed. 

I shall ask for divine guidance on it in my prayerful bedroom where Hebrew symbols have also appeared within my eyesight. My heart is sealed with a Hebrew symbol, it felt like a blessing and it is the first time that I remember seeing one appearing upon my body. I shall ask for instructions and the heavenly Father's will for yours truly. I sense it is a call to a heartfelt action.

Lamed the shepherds staff, that became the L in our alphabet. L the first letter of Lotus, the lotus of the heart of essentials. You can only teach when people have the eyes to see, the ears to hear and the heart to understand. Yeshua was fully aware of that fact. 

A young Libra neighbour was 30 on the 8th of October during Sukkot and he was warned about taking care of himself this weekend. I've just checked his biorhythms today and his physical is down by -40%. My physical is also down -40% too, hence, I don't feel too great today, although I haven't been celebrating a birthday like the 30 year old. 

In fact, most of my energies are low today, and when that is the case, the best thing to do is stay home and self-nurture, that will be the case for the next week for yours truly. It is hard to do your best when you are not feeling your best but we have to keep on.

At least spiritually my energies are high at 70% and creatively at 97%, so it is a great time to spread the paint and or write. To just be, resting in G-d, eat the best that you can, and uplift yourself anyway that is positive for you. 

Hence, an ideal time for what I call pottering at home, being at ease with the self and others. Being tender with our bodies, for when we are tender to our bodies our bodies are tender to us. It is best not to force your body to do anything that could be detrimental for it. 

Although many people are not aware what is detrimental for their bodies and carry on regardless. Some people are aware and still carry on regardless. Listen to your bodies and the messages they convey, for the body does give you messages, are you listening to what your body is telling you about it? 

Did you know that nearly all seals begin with a Lamed? I view it has a seal of protection for my heart. 

Whilst I was teaching Reiki healing training courses putting symbols on people's hearts, Yeshua was often seen on the training courses with us working with the people that had stepped on the path of healing. 

How many Christians are aware that the NT describes what happens on a Reiki training course? How many Jewish people are aware that the Reiki methodology is mentioned in scripture? The study of the alchemical manuscript brought forth many realisations, I found it to be an exciting and enjoyable spiritual journey. Hence, receiving a symbol upon my heart doesn't surprise yours truly, the divine truth is in and upon my heart. The heart of the mystical healer. 

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